CBD fights COVID

CBD Oil Fights COVID Offering Immune Support and More

In recent years, CBD has gained significant recognition for its potential therapeutic benefits. CBD has been shown to aid with a number of chronic pain and symptoms of severe diseases, but could this molecule be a new contender for viral illness? 

Exciting preliminary research suggests that CBD fights COVID by offering immune support through its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties. This natural solution for stimulating immunity offers a critical new view on how we can minimize symptoms and build more robust preventative care strategies. 

What makes CBD antiviral?

At the heart of CBD’s antiviral potential lies its ability to modulate the immune system. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in various bodily functions. This includes immune response. 

Studies indicate that CBD has inhibitory effects on cytokine production in immune cells. Cytokines are proteins that mediate inflammation, and overproduction of these can lead to harmful inflammation, such as the “cytokine storm” seen in severe COVID-19 cases.

Researchers are excited about CBD’s potential to reduce inflammation, not just in viral infections like COVID-19, but also in autoimmune and neurological diseases. While more clinical research is needed, early evidence positions CBD as a potent immunomodulatory agent. 

This means it can both calm overactive immune responses and protect the body during viral infections. The multifaceted nature of CBD suggests it could be a key player in future immune therapies.

CBD users show less extreme cases of COVID-19

A 2022 study published by the National Library of Medicine sheds light on a key finding. CBD users experienced less severe cases of COVID-19 compared to non-users. This retrospective analysis of nearly 2,000 COVID-19 patients at medical centers in Southern California examined various health outcomes. This included ICU admission rates and the need for mechanical ventilation.

The results were promising. Patients who regularly used CBD, either through cannabis products or CBD oil, had fewer severe outcomes. Additionally they required less intensive care than those who did not use these substances. This suggests that CBD may play a supportive role in helping the immune system manage COVID-19 symptoms. Although the researchers caution that more studies are needed to validate these findings.

The immunomodulatory properties of CBD, long recognized in studies on autoimmune diseases and inflammation, seem to contribute to these positive outcomes. This study opens the door for future research on CBD’s role in viral illnesses and pandemic preparedness.

CBD improves antiviral activity in the immune system

Beyond CBD, terpenes found in CBD oil have been observed to have additional antiviral benefits. These are the aromatic and soothing compounds that give CBD its flavour. Even more fascinating is their physiological effects–terpenes are the special ingredients that give CBD oil its targeted effects; like deep relaxation or an energy boost.

A study conducted by researchers in Israel, published by the National Institutes of Health, found that CBD improves antiviral activity when combined with terpenes. When terpenes were combined with CBD, the antiviral effects against human coronavirus (HCoV-OC43) and influenza A (H1N1) were significantly enhanced.

The study demonstrated that terpenes and CBD work synergistically to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, further supporting CBD’s role as an immune system modulator. By reducing inflammation and bolstering the body’s natural antiviral defenses, this combination could be a potent tool in the fight against both COVID-19 and other viral infections.

According to research from UCLA, terpenes, combined with CBD, may act as a barrier to viral infections. This is especially valuable for populations with limited access to vaccines or antiviral medications. Especially in cases when someone is immunocompromised, CBD may be a viable option when vaccination is not. The study found that terpenes exhibited significant anti-inflammatory effects, which were further enhanced by the presence of CBD.

How terpenes impact immunity

Terpenes don’t just make plants smell good—they play a critical role in immune defense. And the history of terpenes and viruses goes much further back than COVID. Blends of essential oils were prepared back in the 14th and 15th century as a means to prevent infection from the plague. Oils like rosemary, clove, lemon, and eucalyptus were used–which all happen to have similar terpene profiles to hemp flowers. 

Today, we have modern evidence to back the use of these amazing natural remedies. In many medicinal plants, terpenes have demonstrated antimicrobial and antiviral properties. This is why they’ve been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In cannabis or hemp, these compounds can be found in varying concentrations across different strains. Whether alone or combined with CBD, terpenes offer a natural defense mechanism against harmful pathogens, including viruses like COVID-19 and influenza.

The risks behind smoking CBD and COVID

While CBD shows promise in fighting COVID-19, caution must be taken with smoking or vaping. Inhalable CBD products, though rich in cannabinoids, may exacerbate respiratory issues. It was recently revealed that cannabis users who smoked or vaped were at a greater risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. These patients were more likely to require hospitalization or intensive care.

It was found that the risks associated with smoking cannabis or CBD were similar to those of smoking tobacco. While cannabis users were not more likely to die from COVID-19, they still faced heightened respiratory stress. For those seeking to use CBD for its antiviral effects, it’s recommended to opt for edible, tincture, or capsule forms rather than smoking or vaping.

Reimagining wellness with CBD

To reap the immune-supporting benefits of CBD during viral outbreaks, it’s best to choose products that are ingestible and abundant in terpenes and cannabinoids. CBD oil, capsules, and tinctures are excellent options for enhancing your immune system strength.

CBD’s ability to modulate the immune system, combined with its anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, offers hope for a plant-based approach to health. As research continues to evolve, CBD could become a vital part of our strategy in managing viral infections like COVID-19. Whether you’re looking for immune support or a way to reduce stress during uncertain times, CBD holds great potential for both physical and mental relief.

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