Does CBD Help With Depression?

Does CBD Help With Depression?

Depression continues to plague millions of Americans. The CDC reported that over 18.5% of the country’s adults struggle with this crippling condition.

There’s no shortage of over-the-counter medicines and prescription drugs aimed at making people feel ‘better.’ However, results remain mixed and debatable. In this scenario, CBD (cannabidiol) is emerging as a surprising remedy for many across the board.

So, is CBD any good for treating depression?

Discover the truth behind this unassuming solution and whether you can capitalize on the many benefits CBD claims to deliver!

Established Health Benefits of CBD

First, let’s clarify whether CBD has any health or remedial benefits at all (much less as a treatment for depression).

Many people use CBD to deal with anxiety because it calms their nerves, settles their senses, and lifts their mood. These benefits suggest that CBD may offer associated health benefits for conditions that cause anxiety or stress.

You may also hear long-time users claim that CBD helps deal with cognitive impairment and issues of declining memory. However, you don’t find enough scientific research that supports these claims. But its positive effects on these conditions seem believable given how users remain convinced of the benefits.

Countless users also continue taking CBD as a solution for pain relief.

Cannabidiol remains an active ingredient that ties down specific receptors in your brain. These receptors may be the same neurotransmitters that make you feel pain and discomfort. CBD may bind these neurotransmitters and nullify the aching sensations in your body.

So, CBD may serve as a handy supplement for people experiencing any type of chronic pain.

Expected Benefits for Depression

Calmness in anxiety and pain relief are different solutions that don’t address depression directly. However, more and more research continues to point towards the advantages that CBD may offer during depressive episodes.

The benefit of CBD in Mood

Research from the National Library of Medicine confirms that CBD may offer distinct benefits in the treatment of mood disorders. This study suggests that CBD plays a part in alleviating the chronic effects of changing moods. 

So, the dismal dispositions or drastic temperamental swings experienced in depression may also find a solution in CBD. It’s no surprise why many users continue opting for CBD as the go-to solution for their depressive episodes. Its ability to improve mood and lift low-spirited emotions may go a long way in treating depression-related symptoms and cases.

The benefit of CBD in PTSD Symptoms

Another research paper released in 2019 explored the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder with CBD. The test used oral CBD on patients with diagnosed cases of PTSD. The results proved pleasantly surprising and encouraging. Patients revealed less intense symptoms caused by their PTSD. 

The test involved the use of oral CBD for about two months (eight weeks) in every patient. And no patient reported harsh side effects even by the end of this period. So, they preferred to continue using CBD as part of their treatment.

Now, PTSD and depression are not the same. However, they are closely related and coincidental. The presence of one often includes the appearance of the other. Using CBD to lower the severity of PTSD symptoms may serve as a remedy for depression in many patients.

Medical science will need more research before establishing CBD as a stand-alone treatment for depression. However, both of these studies reveal that CBD has obvious benefits for depression-related mood swings and PTSD-related symptoms.

How to use CBD for Depression

Substantial research suggests that CBD offers visible advantages in treating depression. So, you may want to test the waters and find out.

Using CBD Orals and Consumables

Oral CBD products are easily available over the counter. And they remain the easiest to take and administer, especially for beginners.

Go for trusted online brands selling CBD capsules. Simple doses involve popping in a capsule once or twice a day. The effects kick in quickly and remain for extended periods if used correctly. However, consulting your doctor or nutritionist is crucial to ensuring the right CBD product and the correct dose.

It’s not just capsules, though. CBD products come in other forms, like isolates, delightful drinks, and even edible oils. Some people wonder what products like CBD drinks and oils taste like and whether they’ll like them. CBD drinks come in delectable flavors like Infused Coffee or Strawberry tea bags. So, enjoying a swig of CBD any time of the day is quick and easy.

Many users complain that CBD oils have a weird taste. Check out this guide on how to make the oil more palatable.

Using CBD Creams

CBD is not all oral and consumable, though. It also comes in a variety of skincare products, ranging from fragrant soaps and bath bombs to creams and balms. The manner and method of using these creams and products will come with professional intervention.

So, talk to your pharmacist or dermatologist before diving too deep into CBD creams and cosmetics. These products may include specific instructions and requirements that only qualified professionals can recommend.

CBD products for external use often come in a variety of fragrances and scents. So, you may find lavender-infused bath bombs, cucumber and aloe soap, fragrant bath salts, and even scented beard oils.

These skincare products do not count as treatments for depression. However, they can fit into your skincare routines seamlessly if you already use CBD orals for countering mood swings and drops.

Medical Consultation in Using CBD for Depression

There is no doubt CBD offers proven benefits for symptoms and conditions associated with depression. However, do not jump straight into using these products as a straightforward treatment or remedy.

The use of CBD products sometimes includes side effects. At all times, it includes the consideration of existing health issues. Ensure that you seek correct advice from a medical expert on the matter before you indulge in huge doses or reckless use.

A qualified doctor or medical professional will be able to assess your existing health. Then, he/she may proceed to approve CBD for recreational or remedial use in specific doses.

Promptly meet a doctor if you experience any adverse side effects, discomfort, or reactions after using CBD products.

Closing Note

CBD is not a cure-all solution for treating complicated conditions like depression, which takes many forms. However, its proven effects on depression-related symptoms like mood swings and melancholic episodes remain clear and evident.

Remember to cross-check with a medical professional before taking any strong doses.

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