PuroCuro Hemp Patches
CBD Reviews

PuroCuro Hemp Patches Product Review.

Though salves, lotions, and body oils tend to be the most common types of CBD topicals available. Of course there are other novelty CBD topicals, like shower gel or hand soaps – but do these really work?

When applying CBD to the skin there are two key factors that dictate how effective your CBD will be: time and bioavailability. It comes down to how well the CBD is able to absorb into your skin and how deeply you will feel the anti-inflammatory effects. Some topicals will add ingredients like DMSO for fast and potent absorption, however many products can rinse off with water or sweat before the CBD has time to fully reach your nervous system. 

Products like PuroCuro Hemp Patches are an elevated and innovative twist on classic topical CBD. These transdermal stickers apply to your skin and can provide up to 12 hours of targeted relief. 

Product overview

Each patch comes with 32 mg of CBD, and can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time. This long term contact with the skin increases bioavailability of the CBD up to 95% (while other CBD oils are at 50%). This can aid with muscle and joint pain, but also provides long-term mental and emotional balance as the CBD has the time to reach your deeper tissues and  nervous system. 

The pack comes with 32 individual patches, all made with medical grade adhesives for a clean and easy application. Each patch contains other novel cannabinoids, such as CBN, CBC, and CBG. 

This offers a full bodied experience of pain relief and relaxation, perfect for anyone who doesn’t like the taste of CBD, but wants to feel the same relief of a stronger dose of CBD.

My experience

I decided to try these patches with my girlfriend, who suffers from chronic pain from a past  ankle injury. We both experience a bit of discomfort at the end of the day, usually due to physical stressors from work. I tried the patch on my shoulders, and she used two on her feet and ankles. We opted to try them at night, leaving the patches on while we slept. 

The effects were subtle but pleasant, especially for surface level pain initially. Inflammation in my shoulders went down and stayed down until the next afternoon. My girlfriend noticed after a few hours that her ankles were gaining a slight increase in mobility too. 

On an unexpected side note – we both noticed a warming sensation within 15 minutes of application, but that effect wore off within an hour. 

Pros and Cons

The best parts about these patches

  • This is a great long term option for targeted CBD use that doesn’t require you to be oily or wet like other topicals.
  • Increased bioavailability makes this a more efficient product than even a tincture or edible might be. 
  • This is such a discreet and easy way to dose CBD.

Things to be aware of before using

  • I would highly recommend wearing a sock or clothing over the patches after applying. They can fall off even with light activity. 
  • The ingredients were not on the packaging, however I was able to look it up online and it seems to be mostly basic, unscented, medical grade ingredients. It is possible this product contains DMSO or other penetration enhancers, so if you have any sensitivity or concerns around taking that you should consult a trusted medical professional prior to dosing. 

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