darwin CBD sweet strawberry e-liquid
CBD Reviews, CBD Vape

Darwin Isolate CBD 3000mg E-Liquid Review

If you want to maximize CBD bioavailability, save on price per milligram, and deliver high amounts of CBD into your system, Darwin’s 3000mg E-liquid may be calling your name.

We recently had the pleasure of trying the Isolate Vape Liquid by Darwin CBD in Sweet Strawberry. In the following review, we’ll break down what’s in the product, how it tastes, and where you can buy this incredible deal.

Why Choose Darwin CBD?

Darwin CBD is a relatively new cannabinoid hemp company based in the UK. While they have only been around since 2021, the brand has quickly become a force in the industry. 

Disposable vape pens and e-liquid make up the entire Darwin product line. We believe companies specializing in specific industry areas are better positioned to deliver a consistent offering. As an expert in vaping products, Darwin did not disappoint with the 3000mg CBD Isolate E-Liquid.

Sweet Strawberry E-Liquid from Darwin CBD

Putting aside the effects of smoking, e-liquid is the most cost-effective and enjoyable way to enjoy the benefits of CBD. If you are already on board with vaping and looking to indulge in a variety of mouthwatering flavours, Darwin CBD has you covered.

The Sweet Strawberry Isolate CBD 3000mg E-Liquid is not only an unbeatable deal at only £9.46 for 60ml of vape juice, but the taste is also unparalleled. Take one draw, and a delicious strawberry flavour will overcome your taste buds. To our surprise, the taste didn’t have the artificial fruit aftertaste lingering on your palate. The vape juice is natural, crisp, and refreshing just like real strawberries.

If Strawberry isn’t your cup of tea, we also carry the following flavours:

  • Bubblegum
  • Cherries Red Berries & Menthol Mix
  • Cola Cubes
  • Dark Berries Blackcurrants & Menthol Mix
  • Fruit Punch
  • Mixed Berries & Menthol Mix
  • Cool Mint
  • Pink Lemonade
  • Watermelon Ice
  • Lemon Drizzle

What’s Inside the CBD Vape Juice?

The biggest concern we have with recommending vaping products is the ingredients. Many companies use harmful additives that are linked to severe health complications. Darwin uses a 70/30 PG to VG blend infused with 3000mg of isolate CBD and strawberry flavouring. The vape juice is nicotine-free, so you won’t have to worry about addictive chemicals entering your body while enjoying your CBD.

darwin CBD sweet strawberry e-liquid
darwin CBD sweet strawberry e-liquid

Recommended Use

While Darwin’s vaping products are premium quality, inhaling hot smoke into your lungs should still be approached with some caution. Overindulging on any vaping product (trust us, it’s easy to do with the Sweet Strawberry!) is not recommended. In addition, 3000mg of CBD is a significant amount to be consumed in a short period; we advise you to savor the vape juice and make it last.

A 60ml of vape juice delivers around 18,000 puffs. Generally, this amount of e-liquid should last around 30 days. At this rate, you’ll be consuming about 100mg per day. While this is a completely safe amount of CBD to consume, it is still considered a high dose. So, if you are new to taking CBD, we’d recommend starting slow and monitoring how the CBD makes you feel before ripping your vape a couple hundred times in one sitting.

Benefits of Vaping CBD

Obviously, the act of vaping plus the delicious taste makes e-liquids an enjoyable way to consume CBD. However, there are other advantages to the administration method.

Vaping sends CBD into your lungs, where the cannabinoids are absorbed into the bloodstream and used by your body. Other methods, like oil and edibles, take significantly longer to become bioavailable, resulting in extended wait times to experience the benefits.

In addition, vaping is the most efficient way to use CBD. Far more cannabinoids are available for the body than through other administration methods. As a result, using a vape provides a greater bang for your buck because more extract is absorbed.

Experience CBD with Tasty E-Liquid

Darwin CBD’s 3000mg E-Liquid in Sweet Strawberry is available through Express CBD. You’ll save significantly on the product through our site and have the opportunity for a 20% price reduction if you buy in bulk.

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