Is CBD legal in Turkey?

Global CBD Laws: Is CBD Legal in Turkey?.

Turkey is a dazzling destination, full of rich history and ancient monuments. If you are thinking about traveling abroad it is imperative to know the laws around CBD prior to traveling with your favorite tincture or vape. You may be curious, is CBD legal in Turkey? 

Learn everything about how to safely travel to Turkey with your CBD!

A long history of Turkish hemp

Although the laws around hemp and cannabis may be extremely limited today, Turkey was on the forefront of cannabis cultivation decades ago. Earliest references to cannabis use in Turkey dates back to roughly 1000 BC. Cannabis was a widely traded good for the Ottoman Empire for its fibers and oils. 

Both the buds and extracts of the plant, known as hashish, were used medically and recreationally prior to 1925, when it was officially banned. 

What is the legal status of CBD in turkey today?

Navigating the legality of CBD in Turkey presents some ambiguity. Although Turkish laws do not explicitly mention CBD, the country enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy toward THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis. Consequently, assumptions prevail that CBD might also be illegal in Turkey.

However, there’s some indication that CBD could be permissible in Turkey if it contains no THC. Notably, in 2016, Turkish legislation permitted the utilization of sublingual cannabinoid medications. These could be used for medical purposes only. The law did not make direct reference to CBD but included other cannabinoids, like THC.

This potential openness toward CBD implies the possibility of legalization in the future. Though there are no current plans in place. With much of Europe adapting to the EUs regulations around hemp and CBD, it would not be surprising for Turkey to follow their safety guidelines in the future. This would look similar to the legal landscape of countries like France, Greece, and Germany.

Nonetheless, it’s prudent to seek legal counsel before carrying CBD into Turkey.

Traveling safely with CBD in Turkey

If you are traveling to Turkey with CBD, there are a few ways you can ensure safe travel and avoid your CBD getting confiscated. 

  • Ensure CBD contains zero THC: To circumvent legal issues, only carry CBD products completely devoid of THC. This would include products made using CBD isolate
  • Documentation for medical use: If using CBD for medical purposes, carry copies of relevant medical records to substantiate its necessity.
  • Be prepared for inquiries: Customs officials might question travelers regarding their CBD products. Expect queries about the absence of THC and the purpose of CBD usage.

In case customs officials discover CBD in your possession, they might request evidence confirming no trace of THC (test results) and an official medical recommendation for use. Failure to provide this documentation could result in confiscation, fines, or potential detainment.

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