What drugs should not be taken with CBD?
CBD, CBD Edibles

What drugs should not be taken with CBD?

The utilization of cannabidiol (CBD), a popular supplement derived from cannabis, has been witnessing a notable rise in recent times. It’s being marketed for a broad spectrum of health conditions, promising various benefits. Despite its growing popularity. It’s crucial to be aware of its potential to cause significant adverse reactions, especially when combined with certain medications

This article aims to delve into these interactions, providing a comprehensive overview of the risks and considerations associated with the concurrent use of CBD and other pharmaceuticals. By understanding these dynamics. Consumers and healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about CBD’s safe and effective use in various therapeutic contexts.

Understanding Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD (cannabidiol), in contrast to its more well-known relative THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Does not induce the ‘high’ commonly linked with cannabis consumption due to its non-psychotropic properties. This distinct characteristic has contributed to its rising popularity, as it offers various health benefits without altering the user’s state of mind.

CBD is available in several forms, each differing in its composition of cannabinoids, including THC. This diversity allows users to choose products that best suit their needs and preferences. Although widely perceived as a safe and natural option, CBD can interact with a multitude of medications. Therefore, it’s vital to consult with healthcare professionals. Such as doctors or pharmacists, before incorporating CBD into your regimen to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Interact with Other Medications/Drugs?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has been identified as a compound that can potentially interfere with the efficacy and safety of various medications. This interference primarily arises due to the way CBD is processed in the body. It’s metabolized in the liver by specific enzymes, notably CYP 3A4 and CYP2C19, which are also crucial in breaking down a wide range of other drugs. When CBD is taken concurrently with these medications, it can alter their concentration in the bloodstream. This alteration can lead to increased medication levels, potentially causing adverse reactions or side effects.

Additionally, CBD’s mechanism of action involves interacting with several receptors within the body, often the same targets for many medications. This overlap in receptor activity can lead to complex interactions, affecting how both CBD and the medications exert their effects.

While the extent and specifics of these interactions are still under study, the potential for CBD to affect other medications is significant. Therefore, it’s essential for individuals considering or currently using CBD. Especially those on other medications, to have a thorough discussion with healthcare professionals. This conversation ensures that the use of CBD is carefully evaluated in the context of their overall health and treatment plan, balancing the benefits against any potential risks.

Drugs that interact with CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is known to interact with a range of prescription medications, primarily due to its influence on the metabolic processes in the liver. We will outline key categories of medications that have shown interactions with CBD, though it’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list.

Anti-Epileptic Drugs

There are antiepileptic drugs that impact the liver enzymes responsible for metabolizing CBD. This can affect the effectiveness of CBD in controlling seizures. Medications like phenytoin, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and phenobarbital can speed up the breakdown of CBD, which may result in reduced benefits at lower dosages. 

On the other hand, combining CBD with lamotrigine can increase its levels in the body. This can potentially raise the risk of side effects. Also, when taken alongside ethosuximide, CBD may decrease its efficacy. This could potentially lead to increased seizure activity.


Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs commonly used to manage seizure disorders and treat anxiety. When used together with CBD medications like clonazepam and chlordiazepoxide, they might show increased effectiveness in controlling seizures. Please note that this is not a list of medications that interact with CBD.

On the other hand, when CBD is administered alongside lorazepam, diazepam, or clobazam, it can cause an increase in their levels in the body. This increase can potentially lead to pronounced effects.


Regarding antidepressants, both selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) have shown interactions with CBD. In a study involving mice, the combination of sertraline (an SSRI) and CBD used for treating PTSD resulted in heightened aggression and anxiety. Similarly, when CBD is taken with TCA amitriptyline, there can be increased levels of amitriptyline in the body, which may intensify its side effects.

Opioid Medications

The interaction between CBD and opioid medications is complex. Combining CBD with morphine may enhance the effects of morphine, raising safety concerns. However, using CBD alongside fentanyl has been observed to be safe and well-tolerated. The response appears to vary depending on the opioid being used.

Interactions with Other Drugs

CBD also has an impact on other medications. It can increase levels of drugs like warfarin, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus in the body, potentially leading to heightened side effects. Additionally, by inhibiting enzymes involved in metabolizing corticosteroids such as prednisone and hydrocortisone, The Effect of CBD on Enhancing The Side Effects of Different Medications is notable.

The Impact of CBD on Enhancing The Side Effects of Various Medications

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, has the ability to amplify the side effects of medications by affecting how they are broken down in the body. When CBD inhibits this breakdown process, it can cause higher levels of these drugs to remain in the bloodstream. This increase can lead to a range of side effects that can differ depending on the medication used alongside CBD.

The severity of these side effects can vary from mild to serious. In some situations, combining CBD with medications can result in increased drowsiness. In some cases, these interactions may heighten the risk of experiencing dangerous adverse effects such as seizures and irregular heart rhythms.

Considering the potential for side effects, it is crucial to consult healthcare professionals before combining CBD with medications. Seeking advice ensures an evaluation of potential risks and benefits, helping to ensure the safe and effective management of an individual’s treatment plan.

CBD and Alcohol

The interaction between CBD and alcohol is not yet fully understood, as studies have shown mixed results. Combining CBD with alcohol may increase drowsiness, potentially raising the risk of accidents. The research on the impact of CBD on blood alcohol levels doesn’t provide a conclusion. However, it’s important to note that impairment caused by alcohol remains consistent.

CBD and THC 

When it comes to THC, the component of cannabis that produces effects, high doses of CBD (over 600 mg) have been found to impede the metabolism of THC. This interference can result in higher levels of THC in the body, prolonging its psychoactive effects. On the other hand, some studies suggest that CBD might help mitigate the effects of THC and reduce its psychoactive influence. This indicates a role for CBD in treating cannabis use disorders. However, we still don’t fully understand how CBD and THC interact within the body.

Considering these complexities, it’s crucial to recognize that CBD is not a supplement but rather a compound with interactions with other drugs. It is strongly advised for users to consult healthcare professionals, such as doctors or pharmacists, to ensure the usage of CBD alongside prescribed or over-the-counter medications. This approach will help gain an understanding of how CBD affects individuals and prevent any interactions.

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