CBD Bath Bomb
CBD, CBD Skincare

How to Make CBD Bath Bombs

Curious about creating a homemade CBD gift to keep your friends and family feeling clean and comfy? CBD is incredibly easy to work with as an ingredient, making it the perfect addition to soothing bath bombs. 

Incorporating topical CBD into a warm bath is the best way to ensure that the CBD can penetrate into your skin and deep tissue, unlike other surface level topicals. As the warm bath water opens your skin, the CBD and botanical oils can sink into your skin. This is great for anyone experiencing deep tissue inflammation, chronic joint pain, or for recovering muscles. 

Here is what you’ll need:


  • CBD oil or isolate powder 
  • Baking Soda
  • Citric Acid (neutralizes the baking soda)
  • Epsom salt
  • Cornstarch (binding)
  • Coloring pigment (optional)
  • Carrier Oil (Almond, Rosehip, Argon, Avocado) 
  • Essential Oils (Lavender, Lemon Grass, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus) 

Supplies and tools

  • Bath bomb moulds
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Whisk 
  • Spatula 
  • Measuring spoons
  • Tray for drying 
  • Small scale and parchment paper or cup (for weighing CBD)

Making CBD bath bombs

The process for mixing and moulding bath bombs is relatively simple and requires no heat or special equipment aside from your moulds to shape them and some basic kitchen utensils you already have at home. 

1. Weigh out and mix your dry ingredients

Begin by weighing out each of your dry ingredients and adding them to a large mixing bowl. It may be helpful to use a small kitchen scale to weigh out the proper dose of CBD. If you are working with CBD isolate it can be directly mixed into your dry ingredients, however if it is an oil or water based solution you will need to combine it with your wet ingredients first. 

For a batch of 20 bath bombs, it is recommended to add 2 grams of CBD isolate to your blend. This would make each individual bath bomb 100mg – a perfect high dose for topical CBD. 

Lightly whisk dry ingredients until thoroughly blended together and set aside while you prepare your next ingredients. 

2. Combine your wet ingredients

Measure out and combine all wet ingredients into a smaller mixing bowl. It is optional to melt CBD isolate and blend it into this mix of oils, however it is not necessary. 

3. Blending wet ingredients into dry ingredients

Now that both your wet and dry ingredients are ready to go, you can begin combining the two. It is important to take this step very slowly, gradually pouring the wet ingredients into the dry and carefully folding them in until fully mixed. 

If you take this step too quickly, it is possible that your wet ingredients will begin to activate the baking soda, causing the fizzing effect to occur. Minimizing the fizzing while mixing will maintain the quality of the bath bomb so that it fizzes properly in your tub. 

4. Using your bath bomb moulds

Once your ingredients are fully blended, you are now ready to begin moulding your bath bombs. Simply scoop a heaping portion of the blend into your mould. Traditional circle molds are filled in two half circles that you can then firmly press together to create a classic bath bomb. If you do not have this type of mould, you can also use silicon baking moulds for confections to make other fun shapes and sizes.

Tap them out afterwards and place them on a tray to set. 

…And that’s it!

Now you have homemade CBD bath bombs! Allow the bombs at least 24 hours to set prior to use – this ensures they won’t fall apart in your bath and will fizz slowly. 

Enjoy a great soak and reap all the amazing benefits of topical CBD

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