Why is CBD so expensive?

Why is CBD so Expensive?

Have you ever wondered, “why is CBD so expensive?” In this article, we’ll delve into the key factors contributing to the soaring prices of CBD and explore ways to find and use CBD more affordably. 

Uncovering the high cost of CBD

The pricing behind CBD products is both complex and has been vacillating since the boom of the CBD industry. It ultimately comes down to three primary factors. 

Cultivating and Manufacturing CBD is costly. The regulations and compliance guidelines associated with CBD contribute significantly to its high pricing. Taxes, testing requirements, and the meticulous processes during the cultivation of hemp all add up. This drives prices higher compared to the pre-prohibition market costs of CBD and hemp flowers.

Hemp, unlike many other food crops, is a cumbersome plant to handle. Its cultivation often involves manual harvesting and specific long-term storage spaces required for drying and curing the flowers. Moreover, manufacturing techniques demand substantial overhead costs, spanning from research and development to stringent quality control processes. These processes ensure product safety, necessitating trained staff and specialized equipment. 

Small-scale distribution limitations further augment the overall costs of CBD products. Although the global market is evolving, many countries still maintain independent CBD markets, leading to small-scale distribution requirements which inevitably raises costs. Additionally, major retailers like grocery and health stores, constrained by regulations or misconceptions about hemp, either refuse to carry CBD products or impose stringent restrictions. These limitations leave only the most expensive products on the shelves of your local markets. 

The CBD industry faces challenges in financial transactions. CBD is a new product that carries a lot of stigma from its relation to cannabis and the war on drugs. Unfortunately most banks and credit-processing companies see CBD as a risky business. Consequently, many CBD brands resort to seeking private investments, which often drive prices higher. However, promising developments such as the Safe Banking Act in the US offer hope for national level protections for CBD companies, potentially altering the landscape of financial support for the industry.

How to shop smart: CBD on a budget

When shopping for CBD, consider the pricing based on the product’s potency. Calculating the price per milligram of CBD can reveal whether a product is overpriced. While low-dose CBD products might seem expensive at first glance, this is because every product incurs the manufacturing and compliance costs. You can easily mitigate this price increase by seeking higher dosed products, even if you only want 2-5mg per use. Opting for more potent products and adjusting to meet your dose needs is a sure way to ensure a better price. 

CBD Isolate, or crystalline CBD, is a highly concentrated option for those seeking long-term CBD options on a budget. This odorless powder is a purified form of plant extract. It even remains remarkably shelf-stable in a cool dry space. You can save money by using CBD isolate and incorporating it into homemade edibles and beverages.

Although the costs of CBD don’t seem to be dropping anytime soon, adopting savvy shopping strategies can empower consumers to access CBD products more affordably without compromising on quality.

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