Can You Get CBD on Prescription?
CBD, CBD Edibles

Can You Get CBD on Prescription?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is known for its soothing effects on the human body, helping to treat various physical and mental problems. There have been multiple studies that support these claims of having a good effect on the mind and the body. It can help in reducing anxiety issues, chronic pains, sleep disorders, etc.

With the ever-increasing trend of using CBD to treat these issues, there comes the question of authenticity. If you go and check for CBD products online, you will find so many of them. You only have to click a few buttons to order these products.

You can never tell if these products being sold online contain good-quality CBD. So, the best way to get your hands on authentic CBD products is to consult your doctor. However, can you get CBD on a prescription?

You can only get a CBD prescription from your doctor if you have genuine health issues that can be tackled by using it. So, continue reading to find out more about the use of CBD and how you can get a doctor to prescribe your authentic CBD products.

How to Get a CBD Prescription from Your Doctor?

There is only one absolute way to find out whether your doctor will prescribe you CBD medication or not. You have to consult your doctor about all the health issues you are facing.

Some doctors may be reluctant to go down that road since they are not experts in CBD medication. However, most doctors understand the uses of CBD and how it can affect one’s health. If you are suffering from certain illnesses that will be negatively affected by using CBD. You can be assured that you will not be getting any prescriptions.

The most important thing to understand in this scenario is the legality of the use of CBD in your country. If it is legal, then doctors can definitely prescribe CBD products for use. As long as the doctor understands how the CBD medication will impact your overall health. They are in a position to give you a CBD prescription.

You can also visit registered medical CBD stores or clinics if your general practitioner doctor is not well-versed in the effects of CBD. These clinics are run by doctors who are experts in medical cannabis and will provide you with all the necessary assistance to help understand your health issues.

If your problems are genuine, the doctors in the medical CBD clinics will give you proper prescriptions. You also have to provide them with your health history so that they can prescribe the right medications for you.

Why do people use CBD?

CBD is known for having healing properties for certain health problems. The most common reason for using CBD is to treat anxiety. It is also used by people who struggle with insomnia and chronic pain.


Though it has not been scientifically proven yet, there is enough evidence to show that the use of CBD products actually helps calm anxiety. Many users have claimed that their anxiety levels have come down to a good extent since they started using CBD products. These products can come in the form of liquid, tablets, or gas (vapes).

CBD has a property that activates the neural receptors in the brain, leading to less stress. When the receptors are blocked, people tend to get more anxious. Several studies have shown that CBD products help in treating panic disorder, OCD, general anxiety disorder, etc.

These claims by users point to the idea that CBD might have anxiolytic components, resulting in calming anxiety in people.


The modern world is so fast-paced and unforgiving that people are diagnosed with various mental and physical disorders. People do not find the time to slow down and live healthy lives. One of the biggest problems with people currently is their inability to fall asleep.

People struggling with insomnia will understand how difficult it is to stay active with low energy levels. In order to tackle this, some people opt for alcoholic drinks and sleeping pills, but those options are disruptive in the long run. Recent studies have shown that people who use CBD products are more likely to have a better sleep schedule.

The best thing about using CBD products is that they will not get you high, as there is little to no content of psychoactive components (THC) found in cannabis and hemp.

Chronic Pain

When CBD is paired with small amounts of THC, it is known to have positive effects on chronic body pain. This does not mean CBD products will completely heal your pain, but they will reduce it.

Recent studies have shown that there is a significant drop in arthritis pain after the use of CBD products. Though research is still ongoing on the use of CBD and its impact on the human body, case studies have clearly shown that the results have been positive to date.

What are the different types of CBD in the market?

There are different types of products being sold that are infused with CBD, which you can find online or over the counter in general and medical stores. With proper consultation from your doctor, you can avail yourself of these CBD products.

They come in different forms, and you can pick the one you find most suitable for your health conditions. Here are some ways CBD is sold commercially:

  • Beverages: You will find many beverages that are infused with CBD, like tea, coffee, fruit juices, cold drinks, water, sparkling water, smoothies, etc.
  • CBD Oil: CBD oil is the most common form you will find in medical stores and clinics. You can add these oils to your food and drinks or ingest them directly.
  • Tablets: There are also medical tablets that are infused with small amounts of CBD and THC to treat certain health issues.

Skincare: Some studies have also found that skincare products infused with components from the hemp plant are great for the skin.

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